…a bold brand. Up for challenging
convention, a collaboration,
and get the value of design. Well, hello.
You’re just who we’re looking for.

…a Troop of visual communication
specialists with an instinctive* talent for creating
compelling brands through powerful,
intelligent design. Let’s do this!

*Due to all the experience between us,
which is, ahem, quite a few years.

Hey, let’s see what we can do together

You’re one of the Troop

Like a silverback, building trusting, enjoyable and effortless partnerships is what we’re all about. We think of you as one of us. Rather than leaving you on the outside, communicating through cold emails and polite comments during the odd catch-up, we bring you into the fun, to work with you.

We take the time to get to know your brand, living, breathing, smelling it, and picking spiders out of its hair. Because we really care about the work we do, and the people we work with. No job is just another job to us. It’s an opportunity to create something new we’re all proud of that makes your brand more successful – it’s what we get out of bed for (as well as coffee and chocolate croissants).

Like it, tell me more

We revolve around you

Your brand lives and dies on your relationship with your customers. That’s why we think of your brand as a whole, even if you’ve just come to us for a logo. Because your story needs to be consistent across everything, with a strong message that makes sense and resonates.

We’re here as your ongoing partner, to continually evolve your brand life cycle. Making improvements, fighting the good fight against ‘the norm’, and heck, giving a gorilla an Instagram account if need be. Keeping you relevant, fresh and meaningful to your audience – so much so, they’ll be driven to you by instinct.

Interesting, go on


(teamwork turned up to 11)

Teamwork is so 2010s. We’ve taken it up a notch to Troopwork®, where a collective effort between us all creates standout work we never thought possible on our own. You bring your insights and knowledge, we step it up with our creativity and wise silverback eyes, then (cue trumpet and celebratory ground thump), effectiveness, loyalty and success are born. It really is a beautiful thing, and fluff aside, we’re only successful if you’re successful.

Ooh, show me the results

Meet the Troop

Say hello to our Troop of highly curious, creative individuals committed to producing the most powerful outcomes for our clients. Champions of collaboration, transformers of brands, creators of the freshest ideas from years of experience.

I'd love to meet them

Selected clients

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